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Italian Slip Seduction ( with 07)

Slip Séduction is similar to an Italian slip or Brazilian. On the sides, the fabric is usually 3-5 cm high. Cut diagonally high, which makes the legs look longer, the buttocks are covered diagonally.

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Lise Charmel Lingerie Princesse Iris Slip Séduction blue ACH0781

Refined Italian briefs with sensual details in tulle and lace. Subtly reveals curves and offers a perfect balance of coverage and elegance.

Lise Charmel Lingerie Desirs De Venise Slip Séduction Black ACJ0735

Discover Lise Charmel Desirs De Venise: black, elegant lingerie with a seductive Brazilian or Italian Slip Séduction for pure luxury and allure.

Lise Charmel Lingerie Eclats d' Or Slip Seduction black/gold ACJ0729

Discover the richness of Lise Charmel lingerie Eclat d' Or Slip Seduction with beautiful gold laminated flowers on a black base and sparkle during the holidays!

Lise Charmel Lingerie Floraison Passion Slip Séduction black/pink ACH0786

Looking for a shorty, black? Shorty: pink embroidery impeller; lace? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Floraison Passion online now at Italian Design. Start Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Source Beauté Slip Seduction grey/taupe ACH0772

Looking f. a Slip? Slip Séduction (Brazilian) grey/ taupe embroidery? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Source Beauté now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Dressing Floral Slip Seduction green ACC0788

Looking for a Slip Green? Slip Seduction, green, art deco embroidery? Shop your Lise Charmel Dressing Floral Brazilian now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Soir de Venise Slip Seduction white ACA0703

Looking for a slip, white? Slip Seduction: Calais lace a. Swarovski? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Soir de Venise now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Soir de Venise Slip Seduction black ACA0703

Looking for a slip black? Slip Seduction: Calais lace a. Swarovski? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Soir de Venise now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Source Beauté Slip Seduction pink/red ACH0772

Looking f. a Slip Seduction: embroidery, buttocks diagonally covered? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Source Beauté now online at Italian Design. Start Now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Splendeur Soie Italian Slip Seduction pink ACC0780

Looking for 'n pink slip? An Italian Slip Seduction: silk w. subtle silk sheen? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Feerie Couture Italian Slip black Calais lace ACH0774

Looking for a slip? Italian slip: Buttocks slant covered, black Calais lace? Shop your Lise Charmel Feerie Couture now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Dressing Floral Slip Seduction blue ACC0788

Looking for Slip? Slip Seduction blue Art-Deco embroidery? Shop yr Lise Charmel Lingerie Dressing Floral string now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Eté Frivole slip séduction ACH0763

Looking f. a Slip Seduction white: floral embroidery, bum half-covered? Shop yr Lise Charmel Lingerie Eté Frivole now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Crystal Poesie Slip Seduction White ACH0734

Looking for a Slip, white? A Slip Seduction, white lace? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Crystal Poësie now online at Italian Design. Shop now Here

Lise Charmel Lingerie Source Beauté Slip Seduction ecru ACH0772

Looking for a Slip Seduction: embroidery, buttocks diagonally covered? Shop yr Lise Charmel lingerie Source Beauté now online at Italian Design. Start Now Here

Lise Charmel Follement Sexy Culotte Slip nude/black

Search for Culotte Sexy? Slip: nude/black embroidery (tattoo look)? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Follement Sexy now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Follement Slip Seduction nude/black

Looking for a slip seduction? Nude/black embroidery (tattoo look)? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Follement Sexy now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Nuits Chics Slip Séduction ACH0735

Looking f. a slip, blue? Slip seduction: silver embroidery, bum covered? Shop yr Lise Charmel Lingerie Nuits Chics now online at Italian Design. Shop now Here

Lise Charmel Deesse en Glam Slip Seduction black/gold ACH0715

Looking f. a slip? Slip Seduction black elegant w. gold embroidery? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Deesse en Glam now online at Italian Design. Shop now Here

Lise Charmel Rose de Venise slip seduction ACH0721

Looking f. a Slip Seduction? Slip Seduction w. flowers pink & yellow? Shop your Lise Charmel Rose de Venise lingerie now online at Italian Design. Shop now Here

Lise Charmel lingerie Orchidee Beauté Slip Seduction Ivoor ACG0762

Looking for an ivory slip? A slip seduction w. lace & Orchids? Shop your Lise Charmel Orchidee Beauté now online at Italian Design. Shop now, Here

Lise Charmel lingerie Dressing Floral Slip Seduction Brown/Ivory ACC0788

Looking f. a Slip, A Slip Seduction brown/ivory, art deco embroidery? Shop yr Lise Charmel Lingerie Dressing Floral now online at Italian Design. Start now Here

Lise Charmel Soir de Venise Slip Seduction blue ACA0703

Looking f. a Blue Slip Seduction w. Calais lace, Swarovski, Mask? Shop your Lise Charmel lingerie Soir de Venise now online at Italian Design. Shop now, Here

Parah lingerie slips Macramé slip grey

Looking for a slip, grey? Slip of 2-layer tulle, macramé on the hips, perfectly finished? Shop your Parah lingerie now online at Italian Design. Start now Hier
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Good product-info and sizing charts
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